السبت، 25 يوليو 2009

Visionapp Remote Desktop 2009 v6.2

visionapp Remote Desktop 2009 (vRD 2009) is a powerful tool for managing and accessing multiple servers and desktops.

vRD 2009 features unparalleled ease of use, accelerated remote desktop access to servers and workstations, detailed logging features, and a new interface that allows administrators to view all connected machines simultaneously.

Considerably simplifying the administration of their systems, more than 120,000 administrators worldwide consider vRD an indispensable tool for recurring administrative tasks. vRD 2009 supports the protocols: RDP, ICA, VNC, SSH, Telnet, HTTP and HTTPS. This functionality enables you to administrate remote computers in Windows, Citrix, Linux/Unix and Macintosh environments.




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